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©Koos Breukel


Rib (1997), De sok weer aan (2000), De memen van Lara (2002), Spuit je ralkleur (2005), Park Slope (K'nex studies) (2008), Lil (zucht) (2010), Rouw met diertjes (2013), De taiga zwijntjes (2015), Zusterstad 2.0 (2018), een sterke suikerlobby (2020)


Astrid Lampe


Astrid Lampe (1955) has published nine works of poetry. Her collections with thought-provoking titles as De memen van Lara (The Memes of Lara, 2002) and K’NEX Studies (2007), are closely linked to the performing and visual arts. Her poems seem to resist conventional notions of poetic beauty and formal consistency, her work can cause particularly strong reactions. Undoubtedly this has much to do with the emphatic sense of physical presence that is characteristic of Lampe’s work. As Lampe herself puts it, “In the end, the fundamental idea is a loving engagement without first having to deny the ugly and the horrible. My poetry is an unconditional love poetry.”